A sequel to Jedi: Fallen Order, a FPS, and a strategy game have been announced.
EA games and Lucasfilm Games have took to twitter to announce three new Star Wars games in development from Respawn Entertainment, the studio behind games such as Titanfall, Apex Legends, and 2019's Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.
It has been confirmed that one of these three games in development, is the sequel to Fallen Order, and the remaining two games will be an FPS game, and a strategy game.
A sequel to 2019's Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order was inevitable as it was highly received commercially and critically with audiences. The first game used the Unreal Engine 4, and looked fantastic, so there is a possibility that the sequel could use Unreal Engine 5, with the player swinging around their lightsaber, looking as stunning as possible. The game is more than likely to continue the story of Jedi protagonist Cal Kestis, as he and his crew explore the galaxy.
The FPS game will be lead by Peter Hirschmann, Game Director at Respawn. Hirschmann has been acquainted with the Star Wars franchise for a long time now, having previously worked as Vice President of Production Development on many Star Wars video game titles such as, Star Wars: Battlefront (2004), Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (2005), Lego Star Wars 2: The Original Trilogy (2006), and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (2008). Hirschmann commented, “Working with Lucasfilm Games on a new FPS in the Star Wars galaxy is a dream come true for me, as this is a story I have always wanted to tell.” This almost confirms that the game will feature a single-player campaign. The most recent single-player FPS Star Wars campaign featured in Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (2017), where you played as a soldier for the Empire after the destruction of the second Death Star, only to then defect and switch sides and fight for the Rebel Alliance.
With Hirschmann at the head of development on this first person shooter, it is a very exciting time for fans of Star Wars video games. His history with the franchise and passion, will leave fans guessing as to what the FPS will be. Will it be a completely new story idea? Which era of Star Wars could it take place in? Could it be set during the Clone Wars, or the era of the Old Republic? There is the possibility that this game could be a sequel, or a soft reboot of the much beloved and highly acclaimed Star Wars: Republic Commando (2005). Whatever the new FPS will be, it is surely in good hands, considering the high quality of FPS games that are in Respawn's catalogue of games (Titanfall 2, Apex Legends).
The third game in this announcement, will be a strategy game being produced by Respawn, while the lead development will be helmed by newly formed studio Bit Reactor, who have pulled in a load of talented game designers and developers, who have worked on the much beloved strategy franchise XCOM. As the studio has only been recently formed, the strategy game is most likely the earliest in development. This again will keep fans and gamers guessing as to what era, and what kind of strategy game will be developed. Star Wars strategy games from the past such as, Galactic Battlegrounds, and Empire at War, are hopefully to be inspirations for this new game.
More news on these games and announcements are surely to come in the future.